No, no tengo frio,
tengo un techo y mil amigos,
que llenan mi vida,
y muchas veces sus palabras son mi abrigo.
No, no estoy cansado
un artista nunca se cansa.
Yo olvido mis penas,
pues cuando canto
yo descanso en mis poemas.
Colourful tide (maré colorida)
Mixed media canvas
The artist's paintings are available at the Albuquerque e Lima Art Gallery, in the catalogue and on LCD for viewing at the company’s registered offices by those interested in fine arts.
As coisas boas chegam numa maré...
Mixed media on canvas
Canvas painted by the artist, inspired on the story of Perseus. This figure of Greek mythology was ordered by Polydectes, king of Seriphos, to decapitate Medusa and bring him her head, which he intended to give as a gift to Oenomaus, king of Pisa, in...
Nude (nu)
mixed media on canvas
A canvas in which the human figure (nude) is portrayed in an approach which, liberated from a certain restrictive academicism, is nonetheless a tribute to female beauty.
This depiction seeks chromatic contrasts suggestive of the anatomical form,...
Ovals and cones (ovais e cónicas)
Mixed media on canvas
In this canvas, dominated by oval and cone shapes intersected in an almost random fashion by linear elements, the artist seeks to give the depicted objects dynamic equilibrium, in search of original lines of force...
Prayer 1 (oração1) - plaster sculpture (escultura de gesso)
80 cm
In this piece the artist uses plaster to create a simple and harmonious sculpture which rises up to a great height, suggesting a prayer. The sculpture rests on a solid base of ançã stone, which represents...
Preacher (Pregador)
autor: amamede
63x30x25 cm
Base – quadrado de madeira com 25 cm de lado
Abstratizante, geometric, sculpture with three plates of triangular and a rectangular wood mounted on a central pole which protrude two rubber balls of not regular spiky...
Retículo endocromático
Acrílico sobre tela
This canvas is contained in the catalogue of the Albuquerque e Lima Gallery, where it is available for purchase.
Nesta pintura, em que preponderam colunas coloridas interceptando a tela nos dois planos do...